Modern Slavery Statement 2022


At Hempco Direct, we are committed to conducting our business operations with the utmost respect for human rights, ethical practices, and the eradication of modern slavery in all its forms. We recognize the importance of taking proactive measures to combat modern slavery and human trafficking, and we are dedicated to promoting transparency and accountability within our supply chains and throughout our organization.

Our Approach:

Hempco Direct operates in alignment with the Modern Slavery Act 2015, which requires organizations to take steps to ensure modern slavery and human trafficking are not present within their operations or supply chains. We are committed to ensuring that all our business activities are conducted ethically and responsibly, upholding the principles of fairness, equality, and human dignity.

Supply Chain Transparency:

We recognize that supply chains can be complex and involve numerous stakeholders. As an online magazine, our direct supply chain primarily consists of digital services and content creation. Nevertheless, we remain vigilant and conduct due diligence to identify and address any potential risks related to modern slavery within our operations.

Our supplier selection process involves carefully assessing and vetting our partners, ensuring that they share our commitment to ethical practices and human rights. We actively engage with suppliers, encouraging them to adopt and implement policies and procedures that align with our values and ethical standards.

Policies and Training:

We have implemented internal policies and procedures that address modern slavery, human trafficking, and forced labor. These policies outline our commitment to eradicating these practices from our operations and supply chains. They also provide guidelines and expectations for our employees, contractors, and suppliers to promote compliance and ethical behavior.

We provide regular training and awareness programs to our employees to ensure they understand the risks of modern slavery and human trafficking and can identify and report any potential instances. By fostering a culture of awareness and vigilance, we empower our team to be proactive in preventing and addressing any issues related to modern slavery.

Reporting and Non-Retaliation:

Hempco Direct encourages its employees, contractors, suppliers, and other stakeholders to report any concerns or suspicions related to modern slavery or human trafficking. We have established a confidential reporting mechanism that allows individuals to raise concerns without fear of retaliation.

Any reports or allegations of modern slavery or human trafficking will be thoroughly investigated. If we identify any instances of modern slavery within our operations or supply chains, we will take immediate action to rectify the situation, including terminating relationships with non-compliant suppliers.

Continuous Improvement:

We are committed to continuously improving our efforts to combat modern slavery. We regularly review and update our policies and procedures to ensure they remain robust and effective. We engage with industry organizations, experts, and stakeholders to stay informed about best practices and emerging trends in the fight against modern slavery.

By remaining diligent and proactive, we aim to contribute to the eradication of modern slavery not only within our organization but also within the wider business community.


Hempco Direct is unwavering in its commitment to upholding the highest standards of ethical conduct and human rights. We are determined to combat modern slavery and human trafficking in all its forms and strive to create a business environment that promotes dignity, respect, and fairness for all individuals.

This Modern Slavery Statement reflects our dedication to transparency and accountability. We will regularly review and update this statement to ensure it accurately represents our ongoing efforts and progress in addressing modern slavery within our operations and supply chains.

For any inquiries or to report any concerns related to modern slavery or human trafficking, please contact us at [email protected] Your cooperation and vigilance are essential in our collective efforts to combat modern slavery.

Date: 24-7-2023
